viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

How to install a custom skin League of Legends

League of Legends Custom Skin

Skins Page:


1 P:. I can not open the client of League of Legends through the Skin Installer Ultimate
A: You must start the League of Legends usually from the normal client.

2 P: The League of Legends has been updated, and the skins have stopped working.
A: Easy, just have to reinstall, as sometimes changes Riot makes skins.

3 P: Is it legal?
A: In principle yes, not since modified the game itself, you just change a file on the other. Source: League of Legends Forum

4 P: I do not work.
A: It could be because you installed League of Legends in a directory that is not the "Default", then on the main screen Lol Skin Installer should just click on "Game Client" and put the location of your League of Legends.

Attention: This FAQ will be improving and adding new, so if anyone has fixed an error on your own, I would appreciate comentase to add a new question solved.

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Extra Tags: League of Legends, Lol, EUW, LAN, LAS, Custom, Personalizado, Descargado, Skin, Piel, Personaje, Campeón, How, To, Install, downloaded,

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